So, About Those TPS Reports



Horrible Bosses

TPS reports aside, chances are you’ve had a bad boss at one point during your career. A recent study by Life Meets Work found that 56% of Americans claim their boss is mildly or highly toxic. Yikes!

Here’s the kicker though: Another study found that employees end up working longer (two years, on average) for toxic bosses than nontoxic bosses.

If you’re one of those 56% of Americans with horrible bosses, here are a few ways to cope:

  • Avoid feedback; make requests: There’s a good chance your boss may be difficult to chat with. Wait til’ she or he is in an upbeat mood and articulate about the support you need.
  • Lean on me: Vent to friends and family who will support you emotionally.
  • Clear your head: Find activities outside of work. Exercising regularly is great for your mental and physical well-being.
  • Explore within: Check out other opportunities internally. Your skills may translate to another position without you having to leave the company.

Ultimately, you need to decide when it’s time to go. If that sounds like you, read more here.


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Learn from the Cleveland Browns

No, that’s not a typo.

You can only move forward after an 0-16 season. The Cleveland Browns got some extra help this year with the signing of all-star receiver, Jarvis Landry. At one of the first practices, Jarvis noticed fellow receivers dropping passes and showing a general lack of heart.

In their team meeting, Landry went off. If you’re ok with some good-old fashioned expletives, you can watch the video here.  WARNING: explicit language

Here’s a little taste below:

“That s— is weakness. And that s— is contagious as f—. That s— ain’t gonna be in this room, bruh. That s— been in here in the past and that’s why the past has been like it is, bruh. That s— is over with, bruh. If you’re gonna f—ing practice, f—ing practice.”

Takeaway: If your work culture has a losing mentality, sometimes you need to step up and motivate.


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Public Speaking Made Easy

Let’s face it, most people don’t enjoy public speaking.

Ramona Smith, a 31-year-old teacher from Houston, beat 30,000 other people to become the Toastmasters world champion of public speaking last month. That’s quite a feat.

Here are 2 simple tips from Ramona for your next speaking engagement:

  1. Ask your audience questions and actually mean it
  2. Pause after each question to let the audience think on it

Easy breezy…now go practice.

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